Technological Literacy

Technological literacy is infused throughout the curricula so that students graduate with the fundamental knowledge and basic ability to use these resources in everyday life and in future occupations. The institution provides the means by which students may acquire basic competencies in the use of computers and related information technology resources via electronic communications and access to national and global information resources. Students may also enroll in basic computer science courses (CSCI 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 1301) to acquire technological literacy. North Georgia expects all candidates for degrees to strive for competency in six basic skills:

  1. Students should be able to engage in electronic collaboration using E-mail, e-mail attachments, and listservs.
  2. Students should be able to create structured electronic documents using word processing programs and basic Web page editors.
  3. Students should be able to produce technology-enhanced presentations.
  4. Students should be able to use appropriate electronic tools for research and employ wise judgment as to the validity and usefulness of electronic sources and their content.
  5. Students should be familiar with and adhere to major legal, ethical, and security issues in information technology such as privacy, copyright, plagiarism, citing sources, "netiquette," hacking, hoaxes, and viruses.
  6. Students should have a working knowledge of computer hardware, software installation, troubleshooting, and file management.