Nursing, Bachelor of Science (BSN)

The baccalaureate nursing program offers high quality, accessible undergraduate education for registered nurses pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). Graduates are prepared for professional nursing practice in primary, secondary and tertiary settings as well as to care for individuals, families, and communities as clients.

The BSN Program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing and accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC). The BSN Program combines required core curriculum and nursing courses which comprise a minimum of 58 hours beyond the associate degree. The curriculum may be completed part time or full time, but must be completed within 4 years of completing NURS 3110. Most nursing courses are offered in a traditional face-to-face format. All BSN courses are offered on-line.

Admission to the BSN Program

Admission to the BSN Program is limited, competitive, based on availability of clinical placement opportunities and nursing faculty, and determined by the BSN faculty. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the Program.

  1. Application to the University and the BSN program are separate processes. An applicant must be unconditionally accepted to the University prior to admission to the BSN program. Applications for the BSN Program are available on the Department of Nursing website and are submitted on-line. The deadline for submission of the completed application is December 15th for fall admission. Requirements for admission to the BSN Program:
    1. completion of an associate degree of diploma in nursing
    2. a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher on a 4 point scale
    3. two professional references
    4. completion of the core curriculum courses required for an associate degree at North Georgia
  2. Admitted students must reply to the Program admission letter stating their intent to accept the offered positions in the Program. Failure to communicate the intent to accept the position by the deadline stated in the admission letter will result in loss of the applicant's position.
  3. Admitted students must document the following prior to the deadline stated in the admission letter in order to keep their places in the Program:
    1. licensure as a registered nursing in Georgia*
    2. current CPR certification (American Heart for Health Care Providers)**
    3. professional liability insurance**
    4. satisfactory background check and drug screen**
    5. current completed medical form**
    6. proof of required titers/immunizations**
    7. signed and notarized Accident/Illness Waiver form**
    8. signed Substance Abuse Waiver form**
    9. signed Applied Learning Experience form**
    10. signed Release of Name and Address form**
    11. nametag order form and payment**

    *Students who meet all admission requirements except passing the NCLEX may be admitted to the Program and permitted to enroll in the following non-clinical courses: NURS 3110, NURS 3150, NURS 3330, NURS 3580, NURS 3200, and NURS 3210.

    **All required forms and further information are available in the BSN Handbook which is posted on line.

  4. Applicants may be required to appear for an interview.
  5. Students seeking readmission to the BSN Program must request readmission in writing to the BSN coordinator at least one semester in advance of the anticipated semester of enrollment and must meet the deadlines for submission of all required documentation posted in the BSN Handbook. Readmitted students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4 point scale. Students applying for readmission must meet the University requirements as well as the Program requirements for readmission.
  6. The BSN Program has adopted the RN-BSN articulation model approved by the University System of Georgia. Validation testing will be required of all associate degree or diploma graduates from non-NLNAC accredited nursing programs outside of Georgia, who graduated more than 4 years ago, and who have less than 1,000 clinical practice hours.
  7. Students wishing to transfer from other BSN programs must submit a copy of nursing course materials and a letter from the director of the previous program stating the students' status upon withdrawal from the nursing program. Placement in the BSN Program will be determined by the faculty.

Academic Standards for Progression

A student must meet the following requirements in order to progress in the nursing program:

  1. maintain an overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) or higher;
  2. achieve a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in each nursing course before proceeding to the next nursing course;
  3. achieve a grade of C or higher in all core curriculum courses
  4. pass all summative laboratory/clinical components of each nursing course. An F (fail) evaluation on nursing laboratory/clinical course components means an automatic grade of 0.0 (F) in the course;
  5. repeat only one nursing course while progressing through the nursing program;
  6. earn satisfactory grades in elective courses so that these courses will not interfere with progress in the curriculum (e.g., the institutional GPA falls below 2.0 or the student does not have enough hours to graduate);
  7. complete 30 hours of upper level courses in the major at North Georgia to be eligible for graduation; and
  8. adhere to all policies of North Georgia, Department of Nursing and clinical agencies.

BSN Degree Requirements

Core Curriculum Requirements

60 Hours

All baccalaureate programs at North Georgia have as a requirement the satisfactory completion of at least 60 semester credit hours comprising the six areas of the core curriculum. A complete description of Areas A-E of the core curriculum can be found in Core Curriculum. Individual degree programs may specify exceptions and/or particular courses which must be taken within each Area A-E of the core curriculum. Those exceptions and/or course requirements and Area F of the core curriculum are shown below.

A student is required to complete the BSN degree within four years of successful completion of NURS 3110.

Area A

no exceptions

Area B

no exceptions

Area C

no exceptions

Area D

Nursing majors must complete CHEM 1151, 1151L and 1152, 1152L or, BIOL 1107K, and 1108K or PHYS 1111, 1111L and 1112, 1112L or BIOL 1010, 1010L and 1260 and 1260L; and Math 2400 .

Area E

no exceptions

Area F. Nursing Major

18 hours

BIOL 2250 and BIOL 2251

8 hours

BIOL 2280

4 hours

CSCI 1100/1150 or CSCI 1250

3 hours

One of the following as a Guided Elective*:

3 hours

SOCI 1101


PSYC 1101


FLAN 1001


*if taken in another area, hours should be taken in an additional guided elective not previously taken.

Courses in Nursing Science

NURS 1100, 1110, 1020, 1130, 2110, 2130, 2140, 2160 or equivalents

33 hours

NURS 3110, 3200, 3210, 3330, 3410, 4410, 4520, 4600

32 hours

Other Requirement-Electives

One course from the following:

NURS 3150, 3250, 3500, 3580, 4010 or

2 hours

GERO 3081, 3181, 3381, 3481, NURS 4000 or


SPAN 1200 or SOCI 3100


* Students enrolling in on-line courses are required to have basic computer skills.

Other Requirements:

U.S. and Georgia Constitution & History requirement

Learning Goals (US, CT, Global)