Master's Thesis Format Requirements Student and Faculty Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities

Students must successfully complete a research proposal and thesis defense in order to fulfill the thesis requirement. Upon completion of the thesis proposal, the student is responsible for obtaining appropriate signatures on the Thesis Proposal Hearing Form and submitting the form to the office of the respective dean. When the thesis defense has been successfully completed, the student is responsible for obtaining appropriate signatures on the Thesis Defense Hearing Form and submitting all related documents and forms to the office of the respective dean. The Thesis Proposal Hearing From and the Thesis Defense Hearing Form can be downloaded from the North Georgia Graduate Admissions' web site under the "Downloadable Forms" link.

Format standards (see below) have been developed to ensure a degree of consistency in the written presentation of this research across academic disciplines, and to allow for binding and digitization requirements. The student has the primary responsibility for both the content and the format of the thesis.

Upon successful defense of the thesis, the student is responsible for delivering two (2) original copies of the thesis document and all appropriate forms along with one (1) electronic copy of the thesis to the Director of Library Services. See instructions under Printing and Archiving below.

The thesis requirements set forth in this bulletin take precedence over publications previously issued by the graduate programs at North Georgia and, in matters of format and page sequence, over any other style manual. Do not use a previously accepted thesis as a format model.

Major Professor Responsibilities

The written presentation of the student's research is a reflection on the major professor as well as the student and the university. It is the major professor's responsibility to see that the quality of the written work meets the highest standards. Thesis advisors must serve as an editor for content, style, spelling, and grammar.

Dean Responsibilities

The dean of the school in which the degree program is housed is responsible for verifying compliance with format requirements and submitting all the appropriate documentation to the Director of Library Services at North Georgia.