Modern Language Requirement and Student Placement

As a liberal arts institution educating Georgia's citizens for roles in international contexts, North Georgia requires all of its students to study a language other than English. Currently, the Department of Modern Languages offers major degree programs in Chinese, French and Spanish, as well as minor degree programs in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Russian and Spanish. In addition, through North Georgia's membership in the National Association of Self-Instructional Language Programs (NASILP), course work is also available in other languages. Please consult with the Department of Modern Languages about these opportunities.

North Georgia's B.A. degrees require language proficiency at the intermediate level (2001 or 2002). Those students seeking a degree other than a B.A. have a language requirement at the elementary level (1002). Students (Non- B.A. degree seeking) that transfer a completed Area B core curriculum from another USG institution are exempt from the language requirement. Students should consult the appropriate section of the bulletin for specific requirements for the degree they are seeking; the English major programs, for example, require foreign language 2001 AND 2002. Students are also strongly advised to consult with their primary advisor and a faculty member in the Department of Modern Languages about which language best suits their program of study. Also, because North Georgia's commitment to educate students in the languages and cultures of other peoples and nations is such an important aspect of its institutional mission, proficiency in American Sign Language does not satisfy the foreign language requirement in Area B. However, courses in ASL can be evaluated by the department for elective credit.

Students have a variety of options for placing into course sequences in Modern Languages. For those who have had previous language study, a web-based computer-adaptive placement examination (WebCAPE) is available to help them place into the course sequence. In addition, such students may be able to achieve credit by examination for language courses by way of AP or CLEP exams. Students placing at a level beyond that required by the major may also be exempt from second language course requirements. In all cases, students must attain the overall number of required credit hours in their program of study, and are strongly encouraged to contact the Department of Modern Languages with questions regarding placement in and credit for language courses.

Finally, North Georgia maintains exchange agreements with universities outside the United States for summer, semester- and year-long programs of study, providing ideal conditions for the study of other languages. Students are encouraged to consult with the Department of Modern Languages and the Center for Global Engagement to find out about these and other opportunities in study abroad, and should consult the study-abroad section of this bulletin for additional information.