Course Loads

A student who is registered for 12 semester hours or more is classified as a full-time student.

Fall and Spring Semesters: A normal load for a full-time student is 15 to 18 semester hours. A first-year student whose high school record and entrance test scores indicate inadequate preparation may be advised to carry a reduced load while adjusting to university-level work. A student who wishes to carry more than 20 semester hours per term must have a recommendation from her/his academic advisor and must have written permission of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. A student whose overall grade point average is below a 2.0 and wishes to carry more than 17 semester hours must have a recommendation from her/his academic advisor and must have the written permission of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Summer Session: A student may take a maximum of 16 semester hours cumulative through all summer sessions.