In this section: HIST 1111: World Civilization (3) HIST 1112: World Civilization (3) HIST 1112H: World Civilization-Honors (3) HIST 2000: Historiography (3) HIST 2111: American History (3) HIST 2111H: American History - Honors (3) HIST 2112: American History (3) HIST 2112H: American History - Honors (3) HIST 2115: U.S. Environmental History (3) HIST 2200: History of Western Civilization I (3) HIST 2201: History of Western Civilization II (3) HIST 2300: Introduction to Latin American History (3) HIST 2370: History of Western Philosophy (3) HIST 2410: Religion and Thought in the Islamic World (3) HIST 2600: History of Central Eurasian (3) HIST 2724: Religion in U.S. History (3) HIST 2850: Modern Military History (3) HIST 2860: Introduction to World Religion (3) HIST 3150: Social and Cultural History of the U.S. to 1860 (3) HIST 3151: Social & Cultural History of the U.S. 1860 to Present (3) HIST 3152: Social Movements in Modern America (3) HIST 3153: Ethnic America (3) HIST 3154: U.S. Labor History (3) HIST 3155: U.S. Women's History (3) HIST 3157: Native American History (3) HIST 3158: Death, Society and the Human Experience (3) HIST 3160: War and Society in America (3) HIST 3170: History of Appalachia (3) HIST 3180: The Civil War & Reconstruction (3) HIST 3182: The American South (3) HIST 3183: The Old South (3) HIST 3184: The New South (3) HIST 3185: Georgia History (3) HIST 3193: Modern American Diplomacy (3) HIST 3205: Ancient Greece (3) HIST 3210: The Roman Republic (3) HIST 3215: Medieval Europe (3) HIST 3220: Renaissance and Reformation (3) HIST 3225: Early Modern Europe (3) HIST 3230: Nineteenth Century Europe (3) HIST 3235: Twentieth Century Europe (3) HIST 3236: Cultural History of Modern Europe (3) HIST 3240: Modern France (3) HIST 3250: Modern Britain (3) HIST 3260: Modern Germany (3) HIST 3280: History of Western Warfare (3) HIST 3291: European Diplomatic History 1919-1991 (3) HIST 3300: Latin American History (3) HIST 3320: Regional Studies in Latin America (3) HIST 3330: Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (3) HIST 3400: History of the Middle East (3) HIST 3410: Islam in World History (3) HIST 3420: Middle East in Middle Ages (3) HIST 3450: The Crusades (3) HIST 3500: History of India (3) HIST 3510: History of Modern Southeast Asia (3) HIST 3555: Vietnam (3) HIST 3600: History of Asian Civilization (3) HIST 3629: History of Early China (3) HIST 3630: History of Modern China (3) HIST 3640: History of Modern Japan (3) HIST 3650: The Mongol Conquests (3) HIST 3700: History of Africa (3) HIST 3800: The Developing World (3) HIST 3810: History of the Atlantic World (3) HIST 3850: Modern Revolutionary Movements (3) HIST 3890: International Relations and Conflict (3) HIST 3891: Counter Insurgency (3) HIST 4000: Studies in Historiography (3) HIST 4001: Studies of World Historiography (3) HIST 4002: Studies of European Historiography (3) HIST 4003: Studies of U.S. Historiography (3) HIST 4100: Studies in U.S. History (3) HIST 4110: Colonial America (3) HIST 4120: Early National U.S. History (3) HIST 4140: Studies in the History of Evolutionary Science (3) HIST 4150: Studies in Social and Cultural History of the U.S. (3) HIST 4155: Oral History (3) HIST 4160: Studies in Military History (3) HIST 4161: Studies in American Revolution (3) HIST 4165: Reconstruction (3) HIST 4170: Studies in Regional and Local History (3) HIST 4190: Studies in U.S. Diplomatic History (3) HIST 4200: Studies in World History (3) HIST 4210: Studies in Ancient and Medieval European History (3) HIST 4212: Fall of Rome, Birth of Europe (3) HIST 4225: Studies in Early Modern Europe (3) HIST 4232: Studies in World War I (3) HIST 4300: Studies in European History (3) HIST 4310: Gender & Sexuality of Latin America (3) HIST 4500: Studies in South Asian History (3) HIST 4631: Expansionism and Imperialism in East Asia (3) HIST 4660: Studies in the Vietnam War (3) HIST 4666: Eurasia After the Mongols (3) HIST 4670: Studies in Central Eurasian History (3) HIST 4800: Studies in the Developing World (3) HIST 4810: Studies in 19th & 20th Century World History (3) HIST 4820: History of Indigenous Peoples (3) HIST 4850: Studies in Modern World Revolutions (3) HIST 4860: Studies in World War II (3) HIST 4875: Studies of Encounters in World History (3) HIST 4880: Comparative Empires (3) HIST 4900: Internship in History (1-3) HIST 4901: Internship in History II (6) HIST 4902: Internship in History III (9) |