In this section: BIOL 1010: Introductory Biology (3) BIOL 1010L: Introductory Biology Laboratory (1) BIOL 1107K: Principles of Biology I (4) BIOL 1108K: Principles of Biology II (4) BIOL 1260: Environmental Science (3) BIOL 1260L: Environmental Science Laboratory (1) BIOL 2250: Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) BIOL 2251: Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) BIOL 2280: Medical Microbiology: Infection and Immunity (4) BIOL 3000: Environments of Appalachia (3) BIOL 3220: Genetics (4) BIOL 3230: Ecology (4) BIOL 3240: Cell Biology (4) BIOL 3321: General Botany (4) BIOL 3322: Plant Diversity (4) BIOL 3325: Invertebrate Zoology (4) BIOL 3326: Vertebrate Zoology (4) BIOL 3331: Ecology Field Study (1) BIOL 3340: Plant Physiology (4) BIOL 3350: Physiology (4) BIOL 3390: General Microbiology (4) BIOL 4000: Entomology (4) BIOL 4010: Introductory Mycology (4) BIOL 4020: Mammalogy (3) BIOL 4030: Ecotoxicology (3) BIOL 4040: Stream Ecology (4) BIOL 4060: Mechanisms of Disease (3) BIOL 4070: Clinical Pathology (3) BIOL 4080: Ornithology (4) BIOL 4090: Conservation Biology (3) BIOL 4126: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4200: Biosystematics (4) BIOL 4226: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4310: Plant Taxonomy (4) BIOL 4311: Botany Field Study (1) BIOL 4326: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4327: Wildlife Ecology (4) BIOL 4390: Environmental Microbiology (4) BIOL 4426: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4435: Immunology (3) BIOL 4440: Limnology (4) BIOL 4450: Evolutionary Biology (3) BIOL 4460: Marine Biology (3) BIOL 4461: Marine Biology Field Laboratory (1) BIOL 4470: Human Histology (4) BIOL 4471: Histology Laboratory Techniques (1) BIOL 4480: Developmental Biology (4) BIOL 4490: Medical Parasitology (4) BIOL 4500: Neuroimmunology (4) BIOL 4510: Animal Behavior (3) BIOL 4520: Herpetology (4) BIOL 4526: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4540: Biotechnology (4) BIOL 4550: Experimental Biology (4) BIOL 4626: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4700: Biology Seminar (1) BIOL 4710: Biogeography (3) BIOL 4726: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4760: Bioinformatics (4) BIOL 4800: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4801: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4802: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4803: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4804: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4805: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4806: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4807: Independent Study/Undergraduate Research (1) BIOL 4826: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) BIOL 4900: Internship in Biology (3) BIOL 4900A: Internship in Biology (3) BIOL 4900B: Internship in Biology (6) BIOL 4901: Internship in Biology (6) BIOL 4926: Special Topics in Biology (2-4) |