In this section: ENGL 1101: English Composition I (3) ENGL 1101H: Honors English Composition I (3) ENGL 1102: English Composition II (3) ENGL 1102H: Honors English Composition II (3) ENGL 2050: Standard English Grammar (3) ENGL 2111: World Literature I (3) ENGL 2111H: Honors World Literature I (3) ENGL 2112: World Literature II (3) ENGL 2121: British Literature I (3) ENGL 2122: British Literature II (3) ENGL 2131: American Literature I (3) ENGL 2132: American Literature II (3) ENGL 2132H: Honors American Literature II (3) ENGL 2135: African American Literature (3) ENGL 2140: Introduction to Gender Studies (3) ENGL 2210: Mountain Laurels Practicum I (1) ENGL 2215: Mountain Laurels Practicum II (2) ENGL 2230: Intermediate Composition (3) ENGL 2238: Business Communication (3) ENGL 2270: Creative Writing (3) ENGL 2275: Introduction to Poetry Writing (3) ENGL 2280: Introduction to Fiction Writing (3) ENGL 2285: Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction Writing (3) ENGL 2660: Introduction to Film Studies (3) ENGL 3010: History of the English Language (3) ENGL 3020: Introduction to English Linguistics (3) ENGL 3050: Applied English Grammar (3) ENGL 3120: An Introduction to Rhetorical Theory (3) ENGL 3130: Advanced Composition (3) ENGL 3140: Literary Research & Writing (3) ENGL 3160: Technical & Professional Writing (3) ENGL 3170: Advanced Creative Writing (3) ENGL 3175: Poetry Writing Workshop (3) ENGL 3180: Fiction Writing Workshop (3) ENGL 3185: Creative Non-Fiction Writing Workshop (3) ENGL 3190: Introduction to Publishing (3) ENGL 3220: Poetry & Poetics (3) ENGL 3230: The Novel (3) ENGL 3240: The Short Story (3) ENGL 3250: World Drama (3) ENGL 3260: Creative Nonfiction (3) ENGL 3300: Mythology (3) ENGL 3340: Women Writers in World Literature (3) ENGL 3350: Postcolonial World Literature (3) ENGL 3360: African Literatures & Cultures (3) ENGL 3370: Chinese Literature in Translation (3) ENGL 3410: Medieval English Literature (3) ENGL 3430: English Renaissance (3) ENGL 3450: Restoration & 18th Century Literature (3) ENGL 3460: English Literature of the 19th Century: Romanticism (3) ENGL 3470: English Literature of the Victorian Era (3) ENGL 3480: Modern & Contemporary British Literature (3) ENGL 3650: Early American Literature (3) ENGL 3660: American Romanticism (3) ENGL 3670: American Realism & Naturalism (3) ENGL 3675: American Modernism (3) ENGL 3680: Contemporary American Literature (3) ENGL 3710: Feminist Theory and Literature (3) ENGL 3910: Tutoring English Composition I (2) ENGL 3915: Tutoring English Composition II (1) ENGL 3925: Tutoring English Composition III (1) ENGL 4100: Seminar in English Writing (3) ENGL 4411: Chaucer (3) ENGL 4430: English Renaissance (3) ENGL 4431: Shakespeare I (3) ENGL 4432: Shakespeare II (3) ENGL 4435: Shakespeare (3) ENGL 4437: Exploring Literacy of London & England (3) ENGL 4441: Milton (3) ENGL 4640: Literature of the American West (3) ENGL 4651: Seminar in 19th Century American Literature (3) ENGL 4652: Seminar in 20th Century American Literature (3) ENGL 4685: Readings in American Cultures (3) ENGL 4690: Southern Literature (3) ENGL 4810: Selected Topics in English (1-3) ENGL 4820: Selected English Topics (1-3) ENGL 4830: Selected English Topics (1-3) ENGL 4880: Senior Seminar in English: Writing (3) ENGL 4890: Senior Seminar in English Literature (3) ENGL 4901: Teaching English (3) ENGL 4910: Teaching Internship in Freshman Composition (1st) (1) ENGL 4920: Teaching Internship in Writing About Literature (2nd) (1) ENGL 4930: Teaching Internship in Advanced English Studies I (3rd) (1) ENGL 4940: Teaching Internship in Advanced English Studies II(4th) (1) ENGL 4950: Composition Study for Teachers (3) ENGL 4960: Internship (3) |