Fee Waiver Policy and Procedures

A limited number of Fee Waivers are available each semester under the following categories: International student waivers, and Out-of-State student waivers. International students interested in applying for an out-of-state fee waiver should contact the Director of Admissions in writing stating their reasons why a waiver should be granted. The Director of Admissions will then notify the student of her decision. The International and Out-of-State waivers are awarded through Undergraduate Admissions.

At the end of each term, on the day the Academic Review Committee meets, a fee-waiver committee will meet to review lists of students who received fee waivers for the term just completed. This committee shall consist of representatives from the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Admissions, the Office of the Commandant, the Office of the Comptroller, the Office of the Registrar, and the Office of Student Affairs. The committee will review the fee-waiver lists. Students determined by the committee to be ineligible for waivers will be notified in writing by the Office of Academic Affairs that the fee waiver no longer applies.

  1. For recipients of out-of-state and international waivers, determination of continued eligibility shall include the following criteria:
    1. The student must enroll in at least 12 semester hours each fall semester and spring semester. There is no minimum number of hours which must be attempted during the summer term.
    2. When the student has attempted 24 semester hours, she/he must have an institutional grade point average of at least 2.0.
    3. For each subsequent term, the institutional grade point average must be at least a 2.0.
  2. Each student receiving a waiver will sign a statement indicating an understanding of the criteria for maintaining waiver status. The responsibility for the securing and filing of such signed statements shall be as follows:

    For new students:

    1. International Student Waivers: Director of Admissions
    2. Out-of-State Waivers: Director of Admissions

    For Currently Enrolled Students:

    a. International Student Waivers: Vice President for Academic Affairs

    b. Out-of-State Waivers: Vice President for Academic Affairs

  3. The Office of Business and Finance shall ensure that each fee-waiver recipient who pre-registers will receive a bill stating that the waiver for the next term is contingent on the student continuing to meet the established criteria for the waiver.

Fee waivers shall be for a maximum of nine terms, with the summer session counting as half a term toward this maximum.

Contact Information that may be helpful to you during the application process:

Office of Registrar

Phone: 706-864-1760

Fax: 706-867-2749

Email: regoff@northgeorgia.edu

Office of Student Financial Aid

Phone: 706-864-1412

Fax: 706-864-1411

Email: finaid@northgeorgia.edu

Student Health Services

Phone: 706-864-1948

Fax: 706-864-1448

Email: Stuhealth@northgeorgia.edu


Phone: 706-867-1627

Fax: 706-867-2799

Email: lreeves@northgeorgia.edu


Business Office

Phone: 706-864-1407

Fax: 706-864-1878

Email: businessoffice@northgeorgia.edu