Former North Georgia Students Returning
Students who were previously enrolled but have not been in attendance for less than three semesters, including summer term, may be advised and register during pre-registration or drop/add for classes as a continuing student, without having to reapply.
Students who were previously enrolled but have not been in attendance for three or more semesters, including summer term, must reapply by the application deadline for the term they wish to attend. Students should reapply through the office of Undergraduate Admissions (Civilian students) or through Cadet Admissions (Cadets). An application fee is required. Refer to the transfer applicant section or the applicant section based on your applicant type to review admission requirements.
Former North Georgia College and State University students must submit official transcripts from all other institutions attended since leaving North Georgia. Students must have a 2.0 transferable GPA, have a clear conduct record, be in good academic standing and be eligible to return to their most recently attended college in order to be considered for re-admission and any kind of transfer credit. Upon evaluation, additional documentation may be required.
A student bringing credit from another institution may not receive transfer credit for a course in which a grade (other than a W grade) was previously earned in the same course at North Georgia unless the student has NOT been enrolled at North Georgia for 4 or more consecutive terms, including summer terms.
Former North Georgia students returning after an absence of 3 or fewer consecutive terms, including summer terms, may choose to complete degree requirements as stated in the Undergraduate Bulletin that was in effect when they left North Georgia or these students may choose to complete the degree requirements of the Undergraduate Bulletin in effect upon their re-enrollment. After an absence of 4 or more consecutive terms, including summer terms, returning North Georgia students will be required to complete the degree of the Undergraduate Bulletin in effect upon their re-enrollment. Returning students who have an existing plan of study must submit an updated plan of study if they re-enroll under a different Bulletin.
If a student withdrew during a term in progress, this term will be credited as one of attendance.