Code of Conduct

The standards of conduct expected of North Georgia College & State University students are basically those prevailing in any well-ordered society composed of intelligent, moral people. In terms of disruptive behavior, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia has stated that any student who, acting singularly or in concert with others, obstructs or disrupts, or attempts to obstruct, or disrupt, by force or violence, or by threat of force or violence, any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or any other activity authorized to be held or conducted on the campus of North Georgia College & State University or on any campus of the University System of Georgia shall be subject to immediate dismissal. The words force and violence shall be construed to include such obstructive and disruptive acts as stand-ins, sit-ins, and lie-ins.

Any student who remains in or refuses to vacate any building on the campus of North Georgia College & State University or on the campus of any institution within the University System of Georgia at a time when such building is normally, usually, and customarily closed to students, and after having received notice to vacate from the president of the institution or other officer charged with the custody and control of the building, shall be subject to immediate dismissal.